Sunday, July 13, 2008

I feel OLD~~

Went to play floorball yesterday in uni and I noticed, my stamina all gone. I can't run, constantly need to rest and totally suck..

And again, went to Wern's church yesterday night and I noticed, I am no longer a teenager. I am a young adult.

I am in my early 20's! ! !

It's kind of freaking me out. It is like I can't fool around that much nowadays. I need to sit down and start jotting down my priorities in life and plan for my future.

It freaks me out even more when I realized, I can be a father of 2 if I am unlucky or maybe 'lucky', depending on what wavelength you are in.

But the thing I care the most is that~~

Can I still reach my maximum errection length?

Hmm, I guess I am still young after all.


1 comment:

AhKenn said...

dun flatter urself.....